Privacy Policy



Delineate Technologies Pvt Ltd holds your privacy in the highest regard. This Privacy & Policy document elucidates our approach to collecting, using, and safeguarding your personal information.

Data Collection:

To provide our services effectively, we gather essential information such as your name, contact details, IP address, and usage data. Rest assured, we adhere to strict data protection regulations and collect only what is necessary for our business operations.

Utilization of Your Information:

Your data serves the purpose of enhancing our services, tailoring your experience, and facilitating communication. We reaffirm that we do not sell or share your data with third parties unless you explicitly grant us consent.

Data Security Measures:

We enforce rigorous security measures to fortify your data against unauthorized access, disclosure, or alterations. Our steadfast commitment to data security ensures that your information remains both confidential and secure.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies:

We deploy cookies and similar tracking technologies to enrich your browsing experience and gather analytics. You have the ability to manage your cookie preferences directly through your browser settings.

Third-Party Links:

Please be aware that our website may contain links to third-party websites. Their privacy practices are distinct from ours, and we strongly recommend reviewing their privacy policies independently.

Consent and Policy Updates:

By utilizing our services, you express your consent to this Privacy & Policy. Periodic revisions may occur, and any alterations will be promptly disclosed on our website. We urge you to regularly review this policy for the latest information.

Contact Information:

Should you have any queries or concerns related to your privacy or this policy, do not hesitate to reach out to us at [contact email/phone number]. We are wholly dedicated to addressing your inquiries with expediency and diligence.

This unique Privacy & Policy statement reflects our unwavering commitment to preserving the security and privacy of your information, reaffirming your trust in Delineate Technologies Pvt Ltd.